Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Step One: Avoid the Snow

Greetings from Franklin, NC!

We have made it to mile 110 (technically mile 109.7... but I'm rounding up).  The road to Franklin has been filled with ups and downs.

Night number 1 (March 2, 2013):  Robbie (now known as chinstrap) and I hope that this will remain the worst night of the trip (and perhaps our lives).  Listening to my mother would have been to wise a choice, so we decided to hit the trail from Amicolola State Park despite the winter storm warnings.  We reached Springer Mountain, through the snow (only about an inch or so) by late afternoon, took a picture at the sign, and celebrated with our delicious white merlot.  Two kind overnight hikers from Atlanta (Xavier and Brianna) let us and Outside Dog share the warmth of their fire and camp alongside them atop Springer.  Wrong decision number two.  Though temperatures reached approximately 14 degrees at the Springer Mountain Shelter (about half a mile down the mountain), with the winds atop the peak, it wouldn't surprise me if we slept in single digits.... (in a 40 degree bag with a "15" degree liner!).

Despite my fears of freezing to death in my sleep, we woke up to a fresh few inches of snow and frozen water filters.  All it took was one look between the two of us to know that we needed a ride into town and some hot coffee to thaw out.  To our luck, at the parking lot about 1 mile down from Springer, there was a kind soul who gave us our first taste of trail magic.  Nick (known forever more to us as St. Nick) not only gave us and Outside Dog a ride to Dalohnaga, but also back to the Springer parking lot so we could start again where we left off.

You are probably thinking, "My God!  Why would anyone put themselves through this?"  Don't worry, we were too.  But after warming up in town, and hitting the trail with sun on our shoulders, it could only get better... and it did!

Night two led us to Dan (now known as Jeff Gordon) at Hawk Mountain Shelter.  We have been enjoying his company on and off the trail ever since.

Day three was the first completely sunny day, and fairly warm day of hiking.  We made it to Woody Gap, near Suches, GA, and spent the night with a gaggle of wonderful characters.  Pretzel and JC thru-hiked last year and were just going from Springer to Unicoi Gap with their friend Nate who is attempting a thru-hike this season.  Pretzel and JC were a wonderful source of knowledge to have on our first week.  A German fellow, Izzy (E-Z) was with us as well as.

Day 4... Blood Mountain - The high point of Georgia.... and cold rain!  The hike itself wasn't as bad as I had built up Blood Mountain to be.  This is a breaking point for a lot of thru-hikers.  However, I did dislike the return of cold wetness.  We started the day early and made it the 10.6 miles to Neel Gap by noon, where past thru-hikers run a fabulous outfitter and directed us to rental cabins.  For a meer $15 each, we found a warm bed, hot shower, and free laundry!  Whoop Whoop!  This is also where Chinstrap, Jeff Gordon, and I met another friend, Joseph (trail name to be determined).  We 4 spent two nights there, choosing to take a zero day as another winter weather front moved in (at least we are learning from our mistakes!).  With another 5 inches of snow, and 40 mph wind gusts, we were glad to be in the warmth of our newest home.

Day 6: The sun returns!  For the next three days, we were able to really get in some miles during a stint of beautiful weather.

Day 9: We crossed our first state line!  North Carolina makes it clear that you have entered a new terrain.  Greeting us was a quick, near vertical climb of about 1,500 feet over about a mile or two.  Our spirits remained high.

Day 10: The rain returns.... and with force.  It rained all day on March 11.  Luckily, we stayed in a shelter the night of the 10, so our gear remained fairly dry, and we were able to make it to a brand new, beautiful shelter on the 11th as well.  We also did our longest mileage day yet: 16.2.  Though, this was likely a mistake.  Chinstrap's knees have been giving him trouble, and I was completely pooped by the time we reached the shelter. We will be taking it a little slower through the Smokies.

And here we are.  In Franklin, NC.  We hitched a free ride into town with Ron Haven, owner of the Budget Inn, were we spent last night, and will spend tonight (we being myself, Chinstrap, and Jeff Gordon).  Tomorrow we will hit the trail, headed for Fontana Dam, the entrance to Great Smoky Mountain National Park, hoping to arrive there Monday afternoon, and make it through the park in about 5 days.

As for my trail name, it has yet to find me.

Look for another post in about a week and a half from Hot Springs, NC, and/or follow my facebook updates.

Appreciating the positive vibes!


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